Sunday, May 11, 2008

hi-ho silver!

needless to say the last few days have been difficult...just watching rob's sister and her family soak up all that has happened and realize now is the just the beginning of life without Luke.

we're thankful we live close enough that we could just load up the SUV and drive...and THANKFULLY we work with people who "get it"...that some things are just more important BUT, for us, mainly rob, his wheels hardly slowed down in that little brain of his. rob's "to do" list continued to grow while we were in atlanta - at the top of his list, the lawn.

the lawn is not a priority because we are up for yard of the year in our neighborhood association...or because we just had our landscaping done...ha. rob knew our jungle needed to be tamed. PLUS we JUST got an invisible fence and mowing would be quite an undertaking because he would have to take ALL of those little marking flags out of the grass and then replace them (must be about 75 of them AT LEAST).

yep, all 5 hours back in the car he knew he wasn't going to get back in time to jump start that lovely broken lawn mower....and then we pulled up to our house.

it was as if angels were lining the driveway....someone mowed our yard. someone moved ALL those stinking invisible fence flags and put them back (sorry, i bet they didn't count on that when they drove over with their good intentions...) SOMEONE didn't leave a note or message.

i'm assuming we'll find out who came to our rescue...but for now, know that when you have one of those crazy ideas of "gee, what could i do to help"...make sure you drive by their house first and see if they just got one of those invisible fences...then just send a nice card.

thank you lawn ranger.


Martha said...

I wish I could take credit. I'd like to do something nice for you.

Sorry the family has to go through this ... must be very tough and exhausting.

Misty Burns said...

that is awesome...God knows exactly what you need!!

Bronie said...

I'm with Martha. I'd like to do something nice for you...but I probably wouldn't mow your lawn. : )

We are still praying for your guys. I'm just so sorry you have all had to go through this painful time.

It seems so weird, since many of us never met Luke, that we feel such a sense of loss. I can't explain that except that God used his life to touch us.

That was a very nice thing someone did for you.

Honeycutts said...

I am so glad that happened for your sake and the kids. I was worried about him having a melt down over having to get that done. What a blessing!! I am laughing thought because I had a funny thought!! See if you can guess???
Love you all,

Sherry said...

Thank God for great friends and small all deserve this wonderful act of kindness!!!

Anonymous said...

It was me!! :) Love the house! too bad I didn't get to see the inside! HAHA! You know I would have PAID someone instead of me doing it!

What an angel that person was! You truly have some great friends up there in TN!!

Anonymous said...

Isn't that the most amazing gift? I remember last fall when Dad's health was declining so quickly, and I was driving back to Franklin from NC late one Sunday night, certain I'd find a letter from the HOA about my grass. Instead, my yard was immaculately mowed, there were mums on my front porch, my house was the cleanest it's EVER been, and there was food in the fridge. I just broke down and bawled -- it was the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me (except for the embarrassment I bore knowing how dirty my bathroom had been!). God is good! Glad you are home.