Monday, July 14, 2008

complaint department...

someone, who shall remain nameless but still married to my neighbor, complained that I hadn't updated my blog lately. well, I'm sorry Mr. Have One Kid And No Dog, let me be sure and supply you with what's going on you don't already know.

Rob spent the weekend with the kids, the vet and the guy at the drum store...that should give you a hint as to the happenings at my house.

• now were are broke but the vet isn't, everything is coming out ok....if you know what I mean.

• we are now really broke but we're assuming caleb's world wide tour will cover any expenses we may have down the road. just keep your ears open for the drumming'll be a big hit, i promise. i'm sure simon will just love it. if not, there's always paula...

• ben is starting to love baseball...his batting practice lasted a really long time today...until all the water balloons were gone. that's when i started my sweeping practice.

• sarah is continuing to get taller every day, which is just great...she's already outgrown her 2nd violin. "no thank you sir, we'd rather buy, not rent, she'll be playing this one for at least 2 years..."

• now we don't have enough money to buy a new scale, mine is obviously broken...

so there. nothing too exciting to report but I thought I better post something...I would hate for "someone" to stop reading my blog... that would cut my audience in half!


Honeycutts said...

I glad the neighbor asked!! I was wondering??? It would have been nice to have a picture of Rob with the three kids and the dog at the vet!!! I am sure Caleb could have done that or Ben!! Kirsten sorry to hear about your friend's Mom. Talk to you soon.(oh that will be when you answer)

RichFam said...

Ah... what a beautiful depiction of the family. (a very sarcastic one, but still).

I especially loved the part about the dog and "everything coming out okay".

Beautiful. Just beautiful. (dripping with sarcasm)

Ha ha ha ha!!!

Welcome back to the blogging world. :o)

Misty Burns said...

It's so good to hear from you again. glad you r back.

The growing Adkinson family said...

u are too funny. sounds very interesting in ur house. glad ur back.

Anonymous said...

I am a little worried that your husband spent the weekend with "the guy" at the drum store! That just does NOT sound right! Glad to hear Milly is pooping ok, I was worried about your amazon puppy! LOVE YOU! So good to see you!

Tiffany AZ said...

One kid and no dog. PEESHAW!!! Your family is awesome. Glad you have abudding "Neil Pert" on your hands. Enjoy the noise! And- an Izaak Perlman toboot! Very cool. Thanks for updating. I enjoy your blog. Where are the bears though? ha! I hope you don't care that I linked yours from mine. If you do- nanny nanny booboo....

Martha said...

Welcome back to the world of blog. I try to come over to your blog and leave a comment - especially when you've left one on mine - but I must admit that I haven't been finding new posts to comment on.

Just blog in your spare time ... that way, you'll have plenty of posts ... yeah, right. :)