Tuesday, July 22, 2008

YES, we wash it...

gee whiz. we may live in tennessee but we do actually wash things...like ben's blanket. way too many comments on the germs people...like i don't have better things to worry about!

fyi...the number one germ collector (according to on-line news) - drum roll please....your purse!

think about it, you carry it everywhere, put it down in and on everything (including the counter or table after it's been on the floor at a restaurant or bathroom.) i just wanted to pass along something for you germ-o-phobes to think about...

happy cleaning.

sorry, i have no picture to post today, i'm steam cleaning my camera.


Anonymous said...

ah yeah, new about the purse thing a longggggggggggg time ago, that is why I don't put it on the kitchen counter, don't put it on the floor in a bathroom (no hook, hang it on your neck) HAHA!!

Bronie said...

kerry's comment reminds me of an email my aunt sent me lately. i'll try to find it and forward it along, and you can send it to kerry as well. "purse around the neck" reminded me. haha

about the germs, yeah yeah. we do the best we can, and beyond that, we just tell people we're buildin' their immunity. we don't live in a bubble ya know.

Misty Burns said...

i am definately becoming a germ freak...but not about your "regular" germs. Mostly it has to do with cooking ect...the blanket thing is just precious.

The growing Adkinson family said...

germs those such thing? :) Just kidding I guess im not a germ freak, except for when bella was ity bity in the middle of winter. Im over it now. Too much other things to do. I agree with Bronie build that immune system. :)