Thursday, August 21, 2008

cutting it close...

notice ben's recent handywork? yep. right before the wedding ben heard us talking about a haircut and he beat us to it. we disguised it as best as possible last weekend and assumed ben wouldn't stand still long enough for anyone to really notice.


Bronie said...

aw man... that's so gonna happen to us one day. w loves him some "zizzers." good job hiding behind the long bangs though. :)

RichFam said...

In that picture, he looks sooo much like you, Kirsten! And from the post, it seems that he gets the artistic expression from you, too! ha ha. :o)

RichFam said...

By the way... we recently cut my Ben's hair to the scalp "to look like his daddy".

He hated it.

And now he is begging us to let him grow it out to look like your Ben (or, more specifically, like Zack & Cody).

We'll see how that goes! Ha ha :o)

Martha said...

Did he get a hair cut yet? I won't recognize him if he has short hair. :)

Call me sometime ... I think I have the "job thing" under control somewhat so maybe we could hang out one day after school for an hour one day.


The growing Adkinson family said...

good job hiding it. I agree he looks just like you kirsten. All ur kids are just so darn cute. :)

Misty Burns said...

yes..he is definitley yours!!!! personality and all!!! too precious