Sunday, January 13, 2008


thanks to friends (and the fact that BIG IDEA is based here in nashville) we went to the red carpet premiere of THE PIRATES WHO DON'T DO ANYTHING! the kids loved it.....and, yes, they did have a real red carpet.

ben was THRILLED. he loves larrybob (one word in ben-speak, not a typo). they had the characters there for a meet and greet. only one problem...the real characters "moved". ben has now said for 3 days straight..."not supposed to move mommy! not supposed to move!" notice his death grip on the beloved blankie during the family picture. oh well. we're already saving for therapy anyway.


Scott said...

Just get him his on blog! It's worked miracles for me!

The growing Adkinson family said...

So the movie was great bailee and I may go see it this week as a mommy daughter day not sure. I know bailee would sit thru it im just not too sure about bryson.

Bronie said...

poor kid. he'll probably never eat another vegetable in his life! and he's right. vegetables ARE NOT supposed to move.