Monday, March 17, 2008

my answer to Rob's helpful hints

so, if you visit rob's blog you'll notice a lovely picture of dishes in our sink (my apologies to my mother-in-law). this is my answer to rob's idea of cleaning the kitchen.

now if i could just figure out how to wrap those swiffer cleaning things around Millie's paws we'd be in business!


Anonymous said...

why do you need to even wash them if you're just going to use them again?? HAHA!!

The growing Adkinson family said...

Oh my goodness, Kirsten this is Joyce commenting on April's computer and you are just a HOOT girl! My computer is so old it won't let me comment but I read all the blog's everyday and you are just to funny! Millie is absolutely adorable :)

Sherry said...

Please tell me he didn't lick them clean....