Tuesday, April 8, 2008

caught pink handed...

i was pretty proud of myself, i had ben settled in his room for a nap, he was quiet and i was downstairs in the basement doing laundry. i think i may have even been whistling...

i went upstairs to put new sheets on the bed (don't be impressed...i'm sure the kids spilled something or worse...) and there he was...in OUR bed playing sarah's new nintendo video game...quiet as a mouse.

i'm not sure who was more surprised me, or ben. i didn't hear him get up and sneak around to find her brand new game (which he was told MANY times already it was new and hers...and she had been saving for a very long time...read that with a lot of drama, you know, like sarah)

well, i stopped whistling, i think i started laughing. it figures, the minute i think i'm getting parenting under control something like this happens and i realize i'm not in control, i'm just along for the ride.


Bronie said...
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Bronie said...

take two. what i was trying to say is that those two year olds are crafty little suckers. i feel your pain. their only saving grace is that they are so stinkin' cute. (but they are not very helpful with typing.)

Misty Burns said...

oh, he is so sweet!! just dont let sarah see this post. haha!!